Combo Brows

  • There's no clear winner when it comes to whether combo brows or microblading is better, as it depends on individual needs. Combo brows create a more natural, gradient effect while microblading creates individual hair-like strokes.

  • Combo brows, which is a combination of microblading and shading, is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique for the eyebrows. The duration of the effect depends on factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits. In general, combo brows can last anywhere from 1-3 years before they start to fade. Regular touch-ups are recommended every 6-12 months to maintain the desired shape and color.

  • Combo brows can be a great option for individuals who have sparse, thinning, or asymmetrical eyebrows and want to achieve a natural-looking, fuller appearance. This technique is also beneficial for those who want to avoid the harsh, block-like appearance that can result from traditional tattooing or microblading alone. Combo brows are particularly popular for individuals with oily or combination skin, as the shading technique used in this method tends to hold up better over time and creates a more defined, longer-lasting result.

  • Combo brows can look very natural when done correctly by a skilled and experienced practitioner. The combination of microblading and shading creates a more gradual, subtle effect compared to microblading alone. The technique can also be customized to match your natural eyebrow shape and hair color, resulting in a look that complements your features and appears natural.

  • To maintain your combo brows, follow proper aftercare instructions, keep your brows moisturized, avoid certain activities, and schedule regular touch-up appointments. It's also important to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen. By doing so, you can keep your combo brows looking beautiful and natural for years to come.

Ombre Brows

  • Ombre brows are a popular cosmetic tattooing technique that can create a natural-looking eyebrow shape. However, there are a few potential downsides to consider, such as color fading over time, allergic reactions, and the technique not being suitable for those with very oily skin. It's important to discuss any concerns with a licensed practitioner before getting the procedure done.

  • Microshading and ombre brows are both semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing techniques for enhancing the eyebrows. Microshading creates a soft, powdered look that mimics natural hair follicles and is best for those with little eyebrow hair. Ombre brows use a combination of microblading and shading to create a gradient effect that's best for those with some eyebrow hair who desire a defined shape and fuller appearance. To determine which technique is best for you, consult with a licensed and experienced practitioner.

  • The healing process for ombre brows typically takes 4-6 weeks. During this time, it's important to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure the best results. This may include avoiding sun exposure, applying a healing ointment, and avoiding certain activities like swimming or sweating for a few days after the procedure. It's also normal for the eyebrows to appear darker or more intense immediately after the procedure, but they will gradually fade to a more natural-looking color during the healing process.


  • A: Microblading is a popular semi-permanent makeup technique that is ideal for people who want natural-looking, fuller eyebrows. It differs from other brow enhancement techniques like pencils or powders because it creates hair-like strokes that mimic real eyebrow hairs. If you're looking for microblading services in Yuma, AZ, our studio offers expert Microblading services.

  • A: A typical microblading appointment takes around two hours, including consultation and the actual procedure.

  • A: Some people experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but most describe the sensation as a slight scratching feeling. Our expert artists use numbing cream to help minimize any discomfort.

  • A: Avoid caffeine and alcohol for at least 24 hours before your appointment. Do not wax or pluck your eyebrows before your appointment as this can affect the shape of your brows.

  • A: Microblading results can last up to two years with proper aftercare.

  • A: We recommend coming in for a touch-up every 12-18 months to maintain the best results.

  • A: Avoid getting your eyebrows wet for at least 10 days after your appointment. Avoid sun exposure, saunas, and excessive sweating for two weeks. Apply the aftercare ointment as directed to help with healing.

  • Our microblading services start at $400, but the final cost may vary depending on your specific needs and the artist you choose.

  • A: Absolutely! Microblading and other brow enhancement services are for anyone who wants to improve their brow appearance, regardless of gender.

  • A: Yes, we offer touch-up services for Microblading to ensure that your brows look perfect for years to come.

Lip Blush

  • A: Lip blushing is a cosmetic tattooing procedure that enhances the natural color and shape of your lips. It involves depositing pigments into the skin of your lips to create a more defined, fuller appearance.

  • A: Yes, lip blushing is generally safe when performed by a licensed and experienced cosmetic tattoo artist. However, like any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks involved, such as infection, allergic reactions, and scarring.

  • Most people experience some discomfort during the lip blushing procedure, but it is typically tolerable. Some artists use topical anesthetics to help minimize any pain or discomfort.

  • A: Lip blushing is a semi-permanent procedure that can last up to 2-3 years, depending on factors like your skin type, lifestyle habits, and the quality of the pigments used.

  • A: Before your lip blushing appointment, it's important to avoid taking blood-thinning medications, alcohol, and caffeine. You should also avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

  • A: After your lip blushing procedure, your lips may be swollen, tender, and slightly discolored for a few days. You should avoid wearing lipstick or other lip products for at least a week and follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist.

  • A: The cost of lip blushing can vary depending on factors like your location, the experience of the artist, and the extent of the procedure. In general, you can expect to pay between $300 and $600 for lip blushing.

  • A: It's important to avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 30 minutes after your lip blushing procedure to allow the pigment to settle into your skin. After that, you can resume your normal eating and drinking habits, but it's best to avoid spicy, acidic, or salty foods for the first few days to minimize any discomfort or irritation.

Permanent Eyeliner

  • Permanent eyeliner is a cosmetic tattooing procedure that uses a needle to apply pigment to the skin along the lash line, creating the appearance of eyeliner that lasts for several years.

  • Yes, when performed by a licensed and experienced professional, permanent eyeliner is generally safe. It is important to follow proper aftercare instructions and avoid exposing the area to sun or water during the healing process to minimize the risk of infection or fading.

  • The level of discomfort during a permanent eyeliner procedure can vary depending on the individual's pain tolerance and the technique used. Most people describe the sensation as similar to a scratching or vibrating feeling.

  • Permanent eyeliner typically lasts for 2-5 years, depending on factors such as the type of pigment used, the individual's skin type and lifestyle habits, and the amount of sun exposure.

  • The cost of permanent eyeliner in Yuma, AZ can vary depending on the practitioner, the complexity of the design, and other factors. On average, the cost ranges from $200 to $500.

  • It is recommended to avoid wearing eye makeup, particularly mascara, for at least one week after getting permanent eyeliner to allow the area to heal. Once the area has fully healed, it is safe to wear makeup as usual.

  • Risks of getting permanent eyeliner can include infection, scarring, allergic reactions, and dissatisfaction with the final result. It is important to choose a reputable and experienced practitioner and follow proper aftercare instructions to minimize these risks.